EventCentric - Pre-conference workshops with Chris Richardson and Oskar Dudycz

Pre-conference workshops with Chris Richardson and Oskar Dudycz

On June 2nd and 3rd, the days before the conference begins, we will host two in-person workshops by two the best known names in the Events and Messaging worlds; Chris Richardson and Oskar Dudycz.

Designing microservices with Chris Richardson

Chris Richardson is perhaps best known for being the author of Microservices Patterns, the authoritative work on moving to a microservices architecture.

In his two-day class, Chris Richardson will guide you through the many tradeoffs and challenges you need to address before successfully building an event-driven architecture.

By the end of this class you should be able to:

  • Understand when to use the microservice architecture
  • Identify and define services
  • Design operations that span multiple services using patterns such as Saga and CQRS
  • Evaluate a microservice architecture and identify architectural smells
  • Refactor and improve an architecture
  • Document a microservice architecture.

Learn more

Event Sourcing with Oskar Dudycz

Oskar Dudycz is the author of the popular newsletter Architecture Weekly and a well-known and respected advocate of Event Sourcing.

Oskar will lead this hands-on workshop which will give any developer the necessary grounding in the topic to apply this pattern in your own systems.

By the end of this class you will know:

  • When and how to apply Event Sourcing as well as the core benefits the pattern brings
  • How to reflect your business logic in the code using Events
  • The different tools you can use such as Emmett, Marten, EventStoreDB etc.
  • How to apply Even Sourcing to your own systems
  • The challenges related to Event Sourcing and recommended solutions.

As one participant said of the course last year:

"Really hands-on. Fantastic host. Creative and collaborative exercises. I've gained the ability to explain Event Concepts to colleagues. This workshop will help me develop better-quality applications”.

Learn more